If your child’s tooth has come out earlier than normal because of decay or an accident, it may be important to maintain the space to prevent future space loss and dental problems when permanent teeth begin to come in. Without the use of a space maintainer, the teeth that surround the open space can shift, impeding the permanent tooth’s eruption. When that happens, the need for orthodontic treatment may become greater.

Types of Space Maintainers

Space maintainers can be made of stainless steel and/or plastic, and can be removable or fixed (cemented to the teeth).​

Caring for Your Child’s Space Maintainer

There are four general rules for taking care of your child’s appliance.

  • Your child should avoid sticky foods, including candy and chewing gum.
  • Encourage your child not to push or tug on the space maintainer with the fingers or tongue.
  • Keep your child’s space maintainer clean through effective brushing and flossing.
  • Your child should continue to see the pediatric dentist for regular dental visits.